Workshop over, classes drawing down, off to NCECA soon…

We had a great workshop last week, with attendees coming from Ohio, New York, and North Carolina.  Kevin Crowe and I collaborated on it, with folks spending three days in my studio and then three in his.  We’ve a repeat on the pattern scheduled for August of this year and since everyone liked the format, I am sure we will repeat it next year.

Carter and I fired the salt kiln yesterday.  Tonight was the final Monday class of this session; Wednesday classes finish this week too.  Then we get to unload the salt kiln and get ready for a ten day jaunt to the Pacific Northwest.  I’ll be at NCECA for a few days – drop by to see me Thursday morning or Friday afternoon, when I will be demonstrating in the AMACO booth.  I’m most excited by the opportunity to see Wally Keeler , who will be a featured artist this year.  Wally, who taught at Harrow when I was first learning to make pots, has been a life-long role model for me as the kind of teacher I hope to be.  Then after NCECA we’ll be traveling to British Columbia and the Olympic Peninsula.

I’ll post photos from the salt firing here later this week.

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