New feature length teaching DVD!

The teaching DVD that Alan and I made last summer has just been released by my friends at Ceramic Arts Daily.  Take a look! We had a great time filming it together.  We covered basic throwing of cylinders and bowls and then included some special projects.  I am excited it’s finally out!

If you are interested in buying a copy, you can get it from the Ceramic Arts Daily bookstore or buy it directly from me on this website, here.  In either case, it won’t be ready to ship until later this month (December 2010).

photo by Kathy Plunket Versluys

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4 Responses to New feature length teaching DVD!

  1. Gay Judson says:

    I have very much appreciated the videos you’ve shared on your web site. I look forward to buying this new one when it is available. Thanks.

  2. Nan Daigle says:

    this is my first visit to your website, I really enjoyed it. Your tips and videos are great. Will be back to this site very often.

    As a senior, I still do pottery and I especially enjoyed your “senior” tips’. My old bones aren’t what they used to be !!!

    I’ve admired your work for many years.

  3. Gay Judson says:

    Nan, you refer here to the new ‘video’ but it is really a DVD, right? Viewed on your site it is a video (I guess) but I think what you will be shipping out is 2 DVDs. Makes a difference. I can watch the DVD on my computer (very handy) but to watch a video I must have a video player (not so handy). I’ve been confused about what exactly I’m getting but when I looked at the Ceramic Arts Daily site they say it will be on 2 DVDs. I’m looking forward to getting mine!

  4. Nan says:

    Hi Gay,

    Apologies for the language confusion. It is definitely a DVD, not a video. I have been using the words interchangeably and they are not the same thing. When we made our first video for my website, I began thinking of the process as video-making. And it seems to have stuck with me. Thanks for pointing out my language ambiguity. I will see if I can correct the habit!

    Good potting,

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